I think i should tell you what people are saying behind your back.……. Nice Ass!!!!!!!
I wish I was a teddy bear, that lay upon your bed, so everytime you cuddled it, you cuddled me instead
Luv is a sensation dat is caused by temptation.a boy puts his location in a girls destination.do u get my
explanation or do u wanna demonstration?
I like your style- I like your class- but most of all i like your arse!
Do you like maths?if so add a bed subtract ur clothes divide your legs and we can multiply!
I want triplets You want twins.Lets get in bed and see who wins!
Of all the babes ur my selection.please dont giv me a rejection.my teeth are clean for ur
Inspection so
giv my mouth a tongue injection!
If your right leg was thanksgiving and Your left leg was Christmas could I meet U between the holidays?